Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Colonoscopy Stuff

I found out about some health issues I was having and I'm going to be honest, that is really the only reason I got a colonoscopy.  The prep part was worse than the actual procedure.  I don't think I will even get one again unless I really think I am going to die.

Had a total meltdown before while talking to the anesthesiologist.  The last time I had anesthesia was when I had Kinlee and it was an emergency.  It was one of my worst memories.  They told me I would feel like I couldn't move, but they failed to mention that I wouldn't be able to breathe or move or talk to tell them I couldn't breathe.  I lived but I still remember that feeling and so I think I may have had a little PTSD.  So they gave me something to relax me and that helped a ton.  When I came out I woke up pretty fast and went to the bathroom and got dressed before Ray even knew I was done.  He took several hours waking up after his, so he wasn't ready when they told him I was ready to go home.

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