Sunday, March 3, 2019

I Gotta Get Some Sleep

I used to sleep all the time and I did not even understand the concept of not being able to fall asleep.  I would hear people talking about taking something to help them sleep and that just seemed so crazy to me.  I could sleep anytime, not necessarily any place, but if I wanted a nap during the day that wasn't a problem.  I could sleep during the day and fall asleep at night.  Now it is a whole different story.  I am guessing it starting about the same time as Ray got off the road and was home all the time.  A lot of things changed in my life and that did to and I hate it.  I have never needed sleeping help and the idea of taking something to sleep was just not real.  Well, I understand all of you non sleepers now and I HATE IT.  I have tried several things and nothing is working.  So, I may have to break down and get a prescription.  I can't fall asleep at night and it really makes me crazy.  

No, it didn't help.  FYI

The other night I watched Greg Stoddard take some vitamins.  It was so funny, I take all of these at once and he could barely swallow one at a time.  I or course made fun of him, but I guess some people are just different, I can't sleep and others can.  So, that's all.
But one more thing, these are the vitamins I take at night along with my blue pill and sleeping pills.

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