Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Our flight home

It was a crazy morning. We were pretty sure we were going to miss our flight. Our shuttle was super late and we still had to stop at another hotel. We made it though and still had a little time to relax. I think that we were lucky it was an early morning flight and not very many people in the airport. Our flight was straight to Salt Lake no layover. And we got right on it flight to Idaho Falls. Some of the others didn't have a flight until later. But we made it home safely. Best trip ever.

You just thought I was done

Our wait staff in the ship would sometime sing and dance for us. And I don't think I posted these.

Monday, July 30, 2018


So the day we got off the ship was the same day as the Super Bowl so we all gathered in Greg & Tiffs room and watched the game and ate dinner.

Ray was super sick most of this day and slept a lot.

Our rooms were super nice too.

Some of us didn't get invited on the Everglades tour (which I really wasn't mad about) but we couldn't check into our room until later in the day.  So we hung out in this little gazebo while we waited to get in our rooms.

Our last breakfast on the Ship.

Ocean Aria and Last Day

Josh from Big Brother

And other ship pictures I might have forgotten.  I am almost done with posting cruise pictures.  It makes me so sad and I think that is why I have been dragging it out.  But its time to catch up.

Ice Skating Show

Sorry, but I had to add a picture of my braid.  I paid $5 for this braid so I was not taking it out until I got my money's worth.  LOL  So, yet I did wear it to dinner that night.

My Birthday through Christmas