Saturday, July 1, 2017

Miscellaneous stuff

I don't even know.....

I had a discussion with Daryl on the phone at work and these were my notes.  It was interesting, I hope we accomplished something.

Kinlee and I went to dinner at Costa Vida.  It seems like we go out to eat more than we should.  But its so good and no mess.

Treats at work.  Gringos chips and salsa.

I am not sure why I took this picture.  They were rolls from the lunch lady sale at the school and I got these along with a bunch of yummy cookies.

The only flowers I have in my yard are liliacs in my backyard that nobody can even see unless you open the blinds in our addition.  They were really pretty this day but I was sitting in the recliner when I took the picture and didn't want get off my lazy butt and open the blinds.

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