Thursday, April 28, 2016

Saturday Night Fever

Greg got last minutes tickets to this play in Idaho Falls because he let them use his parking lot. So he ended having a small harem. After it was over I deemed the evening pelvic thrust fest. It was a good play though and we had fun and laughed a lot. Thanks Stoddards.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

No more Teton Toyota

Okay here it is, once again stress in my life that I can’t do anything about.  Ray quit his job at Teton Toyota and went back to driving truck.  The bad thing is that he couldn’t get on at Goulds again (which is kind of another long story) so he is working for Crapos.  Working for Crapos isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is out of my comfort zone because I don’t know what to expect and the first paycheck, more than Teton Toyota fyi, however was not enough to really make ends meet.  I am hoping it gets better, but I don’t know what to think or hope anymore, I just want to be able to pay our bills and live a comfortable life.  I know that might be too much to ask but with the stress from his job and the stress from mine lately I am just a little stressed out.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

General Conference

I got to watch one of the sessions of general conference with this cute face. She was so happy and we had a fun afternoon with all of them. And conference was Amazing. I love to listen to our leaders speak and I learned so much.

Women's conference

Women’s Conference
A few years ago they changed the age of the “eligible attendants” for LDS Women’s Conference.  They are not having the 8 year olds and up come to the conference.  It is held the week before our general conference and they leaders of the women’s organizations speak to us along with one of the Church Presidency.  When they made this change we started going to mom’s house to watch it because it is broadcast through the BYU channel.  So, this year we did the same thing.  We ate dinner and watched “listened” to the conference.  I really think I must have played with that cute baby instead of actually watching or listening.  They kept talking in General Conference about what the women talked about and I don’t remember hearing half the things they said.  So, I am thinking maybe next year we might need to go back to the church and watch it because I guess I can’t focus sitting at home.  Anyway we had a very nice evening together and we Love that Molly and Keegan come too every year.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Easter family picture


I LOVE this cute girl. She has made my life much more bearable since she entered my world recently. She wanted a picture of us the other day so she could blog about me. Okay technically it wasn't about me but about how I helped her make the decision to go to law school. She is so smart and her final decision to move away makes me super sad. However, she is only going to Provo so I can still see her now and then. She was going to go to Georgia and I thought I would never see her again. I will miss working with her but she said one day she will hire me so I am good with that.

My Birthday through Christmas