Friday, September 4, 2015


Oops I got a little carried away, just like me...putting the cart before the horse.  Mom and Dad's party was after the parade and I totally forgot to post the pictures I had taken of the parade first.  So, here they are.  The parade was super fun this year because we hot lots more people there with us because of the anniversary party.  And we got to take Liam too.
Ray and Ben 
Jerika, Destany (Jerika's friend and her daughter Preslee), Kinlee
I didn't get all the kids because some of them were with grandma when I was taking pictures.
Cindy, Ann, Ramona, Randy 
Austin, Keslie, Carter 
Jesse, Ashlin, Nakia 

Dad, Shelby, Catie 

Cheryl, Blake, Neil (Adrian's parents) 
Marla was taking a snooze in the card before the parade started. 
Grandma was in charge of her ward float this year.  So she was patiently waiting to see it coming down the street.  She worked so hard on it, her and dad both.  There were actually parts of the float that had to be redone several times because they didn't have an indoor place to store it and the weather was not good in the weeks prior to the parade.  But, it still looked amazing!

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