Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mary Poppins

Ray heard that Mary Poppins was playing at the Playmill this year and so he got all of us tickets so we could go.  We waited until Jerika got off work and then went to dinner at the pizza place across the street from the theater.
We were on the very back row since we waited so long to get tickets, but it was still amazing!!  They did such a great job and it was well worth the trip.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Keegans blessing

New carpet prep

Chantay family visit

Ray's family is also very good at making sure they see us when they come to town. It sometimes takes a lot of planning to actually get us together, but we have a blast when we are finally able to pull it off.  I just can't believe how grown up everyone is getting.  It makes me feel so old!!

Sisco family visit

TOTAL GIRLS NIGHT!!  The Sisco's were our upstairs neighbors when we lived in Rexburg.  They also moved to Washington and we haven't seen them for a few years.  They set aside a whole night to come and "play" at our house while they were here.  Ray was gone and Jason didn't come with them, so it was just all of us girls.  We had so much fun playing games and having treats.
I am just so thankful for friends who take the time to make time for us!!  It is so much fun catching up where we left off.
Thank you Audrey!!

Mills family visit

We Love to see our friends who live far away!!  I am just thankful they come to visit us, because it seems like we don't make it very far EVER.  These kids are getting so big, it makes me feel really old!!  But aren't they the cutest?  Their newest addition was asleep in the car, so I didn't get to hold her, but she is just as cute as the rest of them!!
Thanks for coming to see us Kate!!  We love you!!

Pops birthday party

This was supposed to be surprise party and Pop was super surprised when he saw Michelle walking into the party with a cake for his birthday.
Maddy & Michelle
Scott, Broc, Jace
Tanner, Lesli, Theresa
Pops and gma
The group
These peeps came for a minute and then had to leave to another party.  Not Jerika, she stayed to the whole party.
My cell phone really doesn't take the best pictures.  Ray says its time to upgrade, but I am kind of opposed to it since the one I have works. So, I have started letting Ray take more pics with his iphone.  Happy Birthday POPs, aka gpa Tiny.

More Anniversary

I have stressed for months about this party and making sure it goes off without a hitch.  I was amazed at the turn out we had and I was thankful to everyone who traveled and helped make the day amazing for mom and dad.  I had to relinquish control of my camera for the evening and I struggled with that really bad, but the picture takers did a good job without any real direction given from me.  There were many pictures taken but I am just going to share a few.
This was the "silly" picture we took of all of us after the serious ones.  We are missing a few of the grandkids, which was not ideal, but hopefully one of these days we will actually get all of us together.

I couldn't resist sharing this picture.  Grandpa and Keegan, so cute!!
I asked Heidi to make a cake for the party and she excitedly agreed, even though she had done a cake and cupcakes the night before for a whole wedding reception.  Of course mom cried, her and dad didn't have a cake when they got married and mom made cakes for so many people, mostly relatives over the years.   
Look at this amazing cake, handmade flowers and everything. 
Rashkes from Pocatello.  Mom and dad met them when they lived in Pocatello after they first got married and they have been friends ever since.  Some of the other friends that came that I don't know whether I have picture of them are Pat Rinehart, who was our neighbor in St. Anthony for years and has stayed good friends with mom and, Bill Butterfield, Lori Morris Lewis, Dianne Birt and her girls, Fred and Margie Jensen and I am sure I am forgetting someone, but we were so thankful to these friends and for their support over the years also!! 
Precious peeps, yes, I am the shortest!! 
We sang "The Put the Music in Me"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QltLtweYSLg I think this is the link if you are interested in listening to it. 
Towards the end of the night we decided finally to take pictures with family, so we didn't get everyone, but this picture is of the Wasden's that were still there towards the end.
These were all the Sharps, minus a few that had to leave early. 
Gift from Aunt Verla and Uncle Bob.  It was gorgeous, if you can't tell what it is, it is Angel Moroni on the top of the temple in the clouds. 
Cutting the cute.  Aren't these two the cutest EVER!!  We love them and are so thankful for them in our lives.  They do so many things for so many people and are so giving of their time and resources.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!  We love you!!
This is Dad's sister Verla and her family that came.  I usually refer to them as the Boise cousins, but some of them have moved closer.  We were just so glad they were able to make the trip.  It really did mean the world to my parents. 


Oops I got a little carried away, just like me...putting the cart before the horse.  Mom and Dad's party was after the parade and I totally forgot to post the pictures I had taken of the parade first.  So, here they are.  The parade was super fun this year because we hot lots more people there with us because of the anniversary party.  And we got to take Liam too.
Ray and Ben 
Jerika, Destany (Jerika's friend and her daughter Preslee), Kinlee
I didn't get all the kids because some of them were with grandma when I was taking pictures.
Cindy, Ann, Ramona, Randy 
Austin, Keslie, Carter 
Jesse, Ashlin, Nakia 

Dad, Shelby, Catie 

Cheryl, Blake, Neil (Adrian's parents) 
Marla was taking a snooze in the card before the parade started. 
Grandma was in charge of her ward float this year.  So she was patiently waiting to see it coming down the street.  She worked so hard on it, her and dad both.  There were actually parts of the float that had to be redone several times because they didn't have an indoor place to store it and the weather was not good in the weeks prior to the parade.  But, it still looked amazing!

My Birthday through Christmas