Thursday, February 5, 2015

Crazies and Cute boy

Kinlee was gone with her friends tonight so we went to dinner with Jerika.  Where is Jerika you ask?  She wouldn't let us take her picture because she was afraid I would post her picture on facebook and she had told some guy she couldn't go out with him that night for some silly reason.  Which by the way was not "going to dinner with my parents".  Silly kid, but we had fun!!
 Then Sunday night Tyler, Molly and Liam came over to our house, which isn't as equipped as it should be for little 4 year old boys.  So, he played on the trampoline and I guess it was so hot he had to take his shirt off.
 I kept trying to get me to call him Grandma Sexy, but he was having none of that, so I guess it is Grandma Nel.  Which I will not complain about at all.  He love having them at our house.
Jerika was waiting for Justice to spend the night at our house and she was taking longer than Jerika wanted.  So, we were taking selfies to send to her, she didn't believe I was really up and not in my bed that late at night. 

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