Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Years Eve

I love traditions, that way you know exactly what you are doing and you don’t have to worry about what you should be doing.  That is the case on New Year’s Eve.  We used to always go to Allisa’s but since we got the dog we have just done it at our house.  So technically it is Allisa’s party at our house.  Last year Amanda and Travis found out we were partying and wanted to come, so we added them to the party list.  This year same thing happened with Tiff, so her and Greg came.  We really missed DeAnn this year though, Terry usually works and so she hangs out with us too, but he didn’t work this year so, he took precedence over us I guess.  We ate a lot of food and laughed really hard, I am not going to lie we get pretty crazy when we are all together and it is a blast.  Jerika and Breelyn hung out too that night, but they said they didn’t really feel like they belonged with the old people.  Kinlee was supposed to go to the Stake dance in Rexburg, but that didn’t happen so she stayed at home, which I am pretty sure will be her last year at home with us.


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