Friday, January 30, 2015

Lunch with these Lovely ladies

 It seems like we have the hardest time getting together with just the four of us lately.  But, since it was moms birthday this month we decided we better get it done.  So, we met for lunch at Gringos and had so much fun!!  We usually do a Wasden Women lunch this month, but mom decided she wanted to wait until February this year.  Her and dad have a trip planned to go to Disney World next week so she just wanted a low key lunch with just the four of us. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

New Years Day - #KerswellYoungPoehlerPARTY

Speaking of traditions, Ray’s mom wanted some traditions with her new family.  So, she chose New Year’s day.  We get together with the other kids and have lunch and a gift exchange.  This year Torey and his little family were able to make it too.  We really do have a lot of fun when we are all together and we couldn’t have asked for better people to be “related” to. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Years Eve

I love traditions, that way you know exactly what you are doing and you don’t have to worry about what you should be doing.  That is the case on New Year’s Eve.  We used to always go to Allisa’s but since we got the dog we have just done it at our house.  So technically it is Allisa’s party at our house.  Last year Amanda and Travis found out we were partying and wanted to come, so we added them to the party list.  This year same thing happened with Tiff, so her and Greg came.  We really missed DeAnn this year though, Terry usually works and so she hangs out with us too, but he didn’t work this year so, he took precedence over us I guess.  We ate a lot of food and laughed really hard, I am not going to lie we get pretty crazy when we are all together and it is a blast.  Jerika and Breelyn hung out too that night, but they said they didn’t really feel like they belonged with the old people.  Kinlee was supposed to go to the Stake dance in Rexburg, but that didn’t happen so she stayed at home, which I am pretty sure will be her last year at home with us.


Late bday dinner


Thursday, January 8, 2015

After Christmas flooding

This was the picture I put on Facebook the day after Christmas after we got everything set up.
And this was the next morning after that.  Our water heater burst a gasket or something and flooded our basement.  200 gallons of water on our basement floor.  This was before they started carrying things upstairs to the living room.  All of the pad was damaged and they had to remove the baseboards too.  It was such a fun day, insert sarcasm here.
The contents of the basement in my living room upstairs.
There were about 15 fans in our basement and they had to run for 2 days.
I can't wait for everything to be back in place it has been a few weeks and I am just about ready to pull my hair out.  But, I know it could be worse and this too shall pass. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


As soon as they came downstairs...I think they slept until 7.

I was mother of the year this year and told them what we were getting from Santa Clause, yes it is a treadmill and I think they might have been a little more excited than Kinlee's face, or not who knows.  But, it is the gift that keeps on giving!!

Ray got 2 drills.

Jerika and her loot

Kinlee (sideways) and her loot.

Ray didn't get much this year, but that is because we had an agreement and he never follows through with said agreement and gets me extra stuff.

Needless to say, I was pretty spoiled this year.

Grandma and Pops came over later for lunch and gift exchange.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Eve continued

When we got home Kinlee insisted that Jerika open her present from her.  Kinlee and grandma Sharp had made a quilt for Jerika and Kinlee was so excited to give it to her.  She loved it and Kinlee worked so hard on it and keeping it a secret. 
Us with our baby that doesn't talk back and does everything we tell him to do, isn't he cute?
Since Jerika opened the present from Kinlee, Kinlee opened the one from Jerika too.  It was a lot of makeup and perfume most of it wrapped individually so it took a long time to open.
And of course we have to open the yearly pajamas.
He was sad and wanted to know where his pajamas were.  I really can't get over how cute he is.

Christmas Eve @ gma & gpas

We did our usual big Christmas Eve party at moms and dads again this year.  Brian took this picture for me with my cell phone and it is every one except him.  It is a little skewed in a couple places, but shows you all of us that get the privilege of being together that night. 
Pretty princesses.  It looks like gma and gpa were lining everyone out.  It was pretty under control that night and ran really smooth.  It was crazy because it hadn't snowed at all until Christmas Eve and that day it dumped a lot of snow, so we started everything early.  Grandma has a special present for everyone and we play the right left game with an original story she has written for the year and then we decide who gets which present.  So fun!!

My Birthday through Christmas