Friday, September 13, 2013

Jerika is 18 insert sad face here

Every year on birthdays I really feel bad because I don't think that I do enough.  Especially on monumental birthdays and this year wasn't much different.  So, we decided ahead of time to do something for Jerika ALL DAY pretty much and Friday and a surprise party on Saturday night. (She had to work the night of her birthday.)
Chelsea (who lives with us) and Kinlee went to McDonalds before Jerika woke up and brought us all breakfast back.
Then a few days before her birthday I would take the day off because I wanted to take her to lunch and Kinlee had games that day too, so I just didn't work.  Cute Cody and Jerika are going to the same school this year, and they usually have lunch together, so I picked them up and we all went to lunch at Taco Time.
It was so much fun spending time with them!!
Friday night was supposed to be family dinner wherever she wanted, but it ended up just being the 3 of us because Ray was in Canada and didn't get home until Sunday.  He was not a happy camper that he missed her birthday celebrations, but sometimes thats what happens in the trucking world.
I also took cupcakes to her work to surprise her when she got there.  Another girl she works with got her a big cupcake and so did her Young womens leader.
I went and got these balloons to put in her car at school, but when I got to the school I realized I brought Ray's keys to his dodge pickup, not to the dodge neon.  DUH, so they were hanging on her door when she got home after work.
I had also gone to my friend Nichole's house the night before and took a present to her for Jerika.  Nichole is Jerika's third hour teacher and was more than willing to get in on the day long festivities.  She had the class sing to Jerika and I am pretty sure Jerika loved that, not.
This is a picture from Saturday night at her party.  We invited 3 of her best friends to the party and then Allisa and Amanda (since we are the really fun ones anyway.)  We watched a movie and had cake and ice cream.  I have pictures of her friends on my camera, but I haven't downloaded them yet, I guess I should add them to this post.  Anyway, she was so surprised she had no idea at all we were having a party for her so that made it even better!!  She is such an amazing girl and deserved everything we did for her for her birthday.  I didn't take pictures of her opening presents, because the only thing she really opened was the present I sent to school.  She wanted cowboy boots, so we just gave her money for them and she went and picked them out.  Thanks Boo Boo for being such a good girl and for making being your mom so easy (most of the time).  Love ya I hope you had a happy birthday!!  (I just realized this picture could be mistaken for a Nike ad.) 

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My Birthday through Christmas