Sunday, July 7, 2013

More Boise

These are the pictures I took with my cell phone in Boise.  They are really out of order, but at least I was able to post them from my phone.  Technology is AMAZING!
Swimming at the hotel.  It was just the sister in laws and the kids. Our husbands are very much a like in that they would rather have gone and relaxed after chasing us around all day instead of watching the kids swim.  Aunt Nikky was so nice and actually went swimming with the kids.
These pictures were at the hotel while we were waiting for Aunt Nikky to pick us up.  Ray had gone to visit Tyler at the "college", but he went so early that we didn't get up in time for him to take us back to his brothers.  So, they were super nice and came and got us.  I LOVED the inside decor of this hotel...purple and turqoise, so pretty. 
This was at dinner our first night in Boise.  We arrived late and decided to just hurry and eat and then check into our hotel. 
The two weirdos loading the piano.  They really are pretty funny sometimes.  We were all laughing so hard at them.  The dog even looks disgusted with them. 
My cousins came and helped us load the piano onto the trailer, they were so nice!!  We really couldn't have done it with them, so thanks Joe, David and Grant for coming to help on your super busy day.
It was a good weekend and we all had a good time.  We were glad to be able to get home though and get our piano unloaded.  And we LOVE IT. 

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