Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Photo A Day Challenge - Kind of.....

At the beginning of the year I was feeling super motivated to do a few things.  One of which was to do the photo a day challenge that I had seen on pinterest.  I really did have good intentions and I did pretty good in the beginning, but towards the end of the month, I felt like I was lucky to even make it through the day.  I am finally starting to feel a little better, but I thought I better at least post the pictures that I did take with their explanations.  I tried to resize the pictures so that this wouldn't be blog post overload, but then I can't really explain what they are. So, here they are full size for your veiwing pleasure.
Our dryer has been making really bad noises for the last 6 months, so we bought one from my friend.  Well, on New Years Eve the washer quit working too, so we bought a new set.  This is a picture of the washer after Ray threw it down the front steps.  I don't think this picture was part of my little challenge, but I thought I would add it anyway, because it is pretty funny.  And for those of you who know Ray, you would expect something just like this from him, he is precious!! 

This is "something I adore".  Not only do I adore my Kinlee, but I even adore her so much more when she is sleeping.  I know that sounds bad and I can hear her saying "yeah right mom", but I have to remind myself on a regular basis how hard we fought to get her into this world safely.  She has some major potential though and I could actually see her in politics some day.

This "makes me smile"!!!!  Allisa is so amazing and picks Kinlee up every day after school and brings her home, so I pick her kids up in the mornings and take them to school.  Every single day (except this one, wouldn't you know it) she dances for me.  It is hilarious and even people driving by sometimes get a little show too.  Last week she was gone and when Brandon is the one home he refuses to dance for me and it makes my day a little sadder.  So, if you want to see the famous dances, drive by her house in between 8 and 8:15 during the week!!  LOVE YA ALLISA

"My sky" this day was a Sunday right before we went to church.  I love cloudy days and I love it even more when it rains.  I think it is because I don't like to be outside doing things (which most of you know anyway), but this just gives me a real reason for not having to participate in outdoor activities. 

"Daily Routine" - This is my desk at work - this is what I look at all day everyday.  I occasionally get to turn around and see Becky's smiling face.  That is a pop on my desk and I usually have had one before 9 a.m. every morning.  Isn't that sad?

"Childhood" - I really struggled this day to figure out what picture to take.  But, the person on the right of this picture is Lori Hanson Hoover.  Lori works with me and she also grew up just a few blocks away from me and we went to school together.  She was a little older than me, but we were in the same ward, so we knew each other pretty good.  Her daughter Kasey was in the picture, because Lori didn't want to do the picture alone.

"Close up" - This is a closeup of the tablet I got for Christmas.  I love this tablet because it has many apps on it, but it isn't the highest quality.  However, right now it is working and makes me very happy.  I can't believe how many books I have read on the Kindle app since Christmas.  I would recommend however if looking for a "tablet" I have decided the actual Kindle would be the best choice.

"In my bag" - Here is my purse, my favorite purse ever!!  I went shopping with mom and dad last summer and I saw this purse and had to have it.  It wasn't the least expensive purse I have bought and I know my dad rolled his eyes standing behind me when I paid for it.  However, I have used it religiously ever since.  The funniest about this purse is the fact that KaReena has the very same purse in blue.  We are a little too much alike and we have fabulous taste!!

"Something I am reading" - This is the only thing I am reading that is a real book right now.  It has different things to work on for each month and I really dropped the ball in February, but I am planning on picking back up where I left off ASAP.  It is a good read with really good ideas.

"Where I sleep" - I can't really say too much about this picture, except that I don't regularly put my bedspread on my bed every day.  Okay, who I am kidding, I don't make my bed every day.  So, I am going to focus on Ray's Christmas pillowcases.  My sweet friend Sheila gave me pillow cases for Christmas a few years ago and Ray uses them on his pillows all year long.  He loves them.

"Morning" - these are the cute Carlson kids that ride in my car every morning after their mother dances for us.  They laugh now, but I am pretty sure that in a few years they are not going to be laughing at her.  Thats how teenagers are, they just don't appreciate how funny we are anymore.

"Water" - I was trying to drink 3 of these per day - I have been slacking.  Thats all

"Favourite" - this was my favorite newphew on this day - which was the day he got baptized.  This is Dax, isn't he so cute?  Also in the picture is his dad, who I might add I hand picked for my sister to marry.  I think he's pretty amazing too and just might very likely be my favorite bro in law.

"Breakfast" - This is the worst habit ever!!  I don't eat breakfast before leaving home every day and McDonalds is right along the way.  So, there are some days (not more than once a week though) that I stop there for breakfast.  And it isn't just for the food, mind you, I love the guys that works at the drive through window.  He is hilarious and he always makes my day!

"Letterbox" - I had no real idea what this meant, so I decided it was my mailbox.  If we live within a mile of the post office, we are not allowed to have mailboxes in front of our house, we have to go to the post office to pick up our mail.  So, this is where I go get the mail and by I, I mean just me, nobody else ever goes to get the mail.

"Reflection", I think and I am really not sure why.

"Guilty Pleasure" - I love these things and I really wish I didn't, but they are so yummy and am pretty sure I only eat one a month.  But, I don't think I could say for sure, there might even be one in my purse right now.  I think if I would actually exercise I wouldn't feel so guilty about eating these.
"Someone I love" - Ray just loves to have his picture taken.  He loves it about as much as his youngest daughter, but lately he is trying to be much more cooperative.  I know I give him a hard time a lot, but I really do love him and he is so good to me, even though I don't give him the credit he deserves.

"Something I bought" - I love Kettle Corn and we have had a lot of it lately at our house.

"My shoes" - actually my boots, because it was a Sunday and it is winter.  These are my most favorite things to wear to church.  I do have 2 pair of black boots, but these are definately the ones I wear most.  My dad heard my tell my mom one day that I needed new boots last year and the next thing I knew she was taking me shopping for new boots and I am pretty sure they were paid for by my dad.

"Sweet" - This isn't a picture of my favorite cupcakes and this one wasn't bad, but I love the Cocoa Bean in Rexburg.  They have the best cupcakes and yes they are sweet and a very good way to treat yourself.  They have ice cream now with their cupakes in it, yum yum yum.

"HAPPINESS" - I have already blogged about this day, but it was lunch for my moms birthday and it was even more fun because I got to take two of my favorite people with me.  They are really better kids than anyone could ask for!!  I really lucked out and I am so thankful that Heavenly Father let me be their mom.  They make everything about every day worth every minute.  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

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My Birthday through Christmas