Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jerika is 16......

I really wanted to do something fun for Jerika's sweet 16, but I didn't know what to do.  And the bad part about it is that we did end up celebrating most of the weekend, not just one day and these are the only pictures I took.  I think I am slipping in my old age.   That being said, Jerika and I spent the day Saturday together.  We went to Idaho Falls and got her an IPOD touch, yes she is very spoiled.  Then we went to lunch at Olive Garden, just the 2 of us.  I think her dad and sister felt a little left out, but they lived through it and I am sure they are better for it.  Since we waited so late to plan anything, only a couple of her friends could make it to birthday cake that night.  But, they had fun watching scary movies.
Chelsie, Markie, Jerika, Breelyn & Mariah

Trying to decide what to wish for, since she already has and gets everything she wants.

Her not very feminine cake, who knows why she chose this, but it is what it is.

I think it is interesting in these two pictures that Ray and Kinlee are not even sitting by each other and they were the only two eating cake with the party girls.  Whatever, silly people. 
Sunday we went to the Park in Rexburg with the Sharps and celebrated Jerika's birthday and aunt Cindy's birthday.  Yup, no pictures.  I think that was a Sunday that I had a ton of meetings and was lucky to actually get a salad made and make it to the park.  But, it was fun!!

Monday, which was Labor Day and Jerika's actual birthday Grandma Walker came up for a little while and brought Jerika's present.  Then Jerika spent the rest of the day with a bunch of her friends doing whatever she wanted all day long.  I still can't believe I have a 16 year old, I am pretty sure I can't be old enough, right?

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