Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ray's Birthday - Before West Nile

I guess this is what you call digressing. The West Nile incident happened after Ray's birthday, but I had a minute the other day, so I thought I would get that blog out of the way. We actually had birthday cake for Ray on the Sunday after his birthday and we really didn't celebrate. His 2 friends Brandon and Tyler came to visit for a minute and I had bought a cake the day before, so we had cake with them.

I am not sure what to think of this picture. He is looking a little silly for sure, but he looks half asleep too.
Well, in looking at the rest of these pictures, everyone must have been in a pretty silly mood.

I think Tyler wins the silly picture award for sure!!
Or is it Peyton? What a bunch of fun people we have in our lives!! They really make it all worth while.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY!! We love you!!
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My Birthday through Christmas