Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jerika - District Voice

Have I told anyone lately what an angelic voice my Jerika has? I am pretty certain that everyone is tired of hearing that from me, but it is so true. She has had several recitals where mostly parents and grandparents come and listen, but this experience was way out of her comfort zone. She had to sing a song in another language and be judged. She did a fabulous job and I was so proud of her. She doesn't like to sing in front of people and it really makes me crazy, so this is really a step in the right direction.
We were so thankful for her painist, she agreed to play for her last minute.

She was very nervous, but we were in the auditorium and we could hear here, which isn't always the case.

This was the judge talking to her after she sang, giving her some pointers.

More pointers. She didn't make it State, but there are very few that do get to go. But that didn't matter to me, her proud mother at all!! She actually did it and that is what matters.

For those of you who don't know, but do care, Jerika will be tranferring to Madison next year. She is so excited and has so many friends there, so I hope her high school experience is better there than her freshman year at Sugar. I really wanted her to try out for the traveling choir at Sugar, but there are a few girls in the choir that are pretty creepy to Jerika so she didn't want to try out. We found out after we had decided to let her transfer that tryouts to the Madison choir were in a week and so I called the choir teacher and they let her try out. The have the Bel Cantos choir, which is both boys and girls and then the Musettes, which is just girls. She made the Musettes choir and I was so proud of her. She is so happy about it too and hopefully this will help her self esteem and she will feel better about her voice and performing in front of people. Go, Jerika!! Luv ya
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Books I've read lately.

What with the stress I have had in my life lately, I have had to escape to book land quite a bit.  My siblings and I got mom a Kindle for Christmas this year and I must say that I have probably enjoyed this present more than her.  The reason being is that I also got a fabulous gift for Christmas from my wonderful husband, which was a Android phone.  With said phone I was able to sign up as my mom and download her Kindle books to my cell phone free of charge.  Well, come to find out there are a lot of free books on the Kindle than can be downloaded and I am taking advantage of that fact. 

This is a rather strange assortment of books, but I've read them all in the last couple of months. I'm not sure if this shows how diverse and well-read I am or if it shows a little bit of instability. 

I am still reading this one, but I am almost done.  I saw that one of my friends was reading it and I decided that since I have never read it I would give it a try.  I must say I am quite enjoying it.

I have to admit Anita is one of my favorite.  I think I have read all of her books, except for the series that deals with cancer (hits way to close to home).  This book is number 4 of a series , and I must say some of her books are a little cheesy, but they usually have a happy ending.  And right now, that is what I want, a happy ending. 

When I was looking through the free books on the Kindle, I saw this book.  I have not seen the movie, watched the play or read the book until this year.  As a result I had no idea at all what all the hype was.  I actually had no interest in watching the movie and have never had a chance to see the play.  I have to admit, I loved the book and now I think it is time to watch the move.  So, if anyone has it, let me know.

I love, love, love, Lisa Wingate.  She wrote a book entitled Tending Roses that my mom gave all of us girls a few years ago.  It really puts life into perspective and makes you think about what you are doing in your life.  Anyway, this book was a free download also, so I thought what the heck and I loved it.  It was a sappy love story, and yes it did have a happy ending too.

Another sappy love story and yes it was free too.  Young love at its finest, the bad thing is there is a book 2 and 3 and I think that might just be how they suck you in.  You put the first one in the series on there for free and then they charge you for the next two.  The other two books are only $5 each, but that is the only bad thing about having the Kindle in moms name, or maybe it is a good thing.  If I want to download anything that costs money, it automatically charges her card on file for my purchase.  So, I have to let her know and pay her ahead of time before.  But, right now I am reading some other things so book 2 and three of the Bella wedding series will just have to wait. 

So, those of you who know my sister KaReena, know that she is much smarter than I ever hoped of being.  She was valedictorian (which I am not even sure I spelled it right), does that tell you how not smart I am?  KaReena reads books that require much more intelligence than I possess, and this was one that she wanted me to read.  It is a classic also, so it was a free download, even though I had the book here, but was much easier to read on the Kindle.  Needless to say this book was much better than I thought it would be. 

I have decided that after reading some of these classics that they really aren't too bad and I am going to download more in the future.  I think my next adventure will be something by Jane Austin, and you guessed it, I have never watched any of the movies or read any of her books.  I really do need to expand my horizons.

I enjoyed all of them and the best part is that all of them were free, except for the Anita Stansfield book.  I did purchase that one and do have the series if anyone is interested in reading it, and others for that matter. 

Wow, that is a lot of books in the last 5 months, isn't it?  I have taken a few trips this year and I try to read during dance and voice and on my lunch hour now that my hours have been cut, I actually have a full hour lunch.  HAPPY READING!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Kinlee's School Program - Idaho History

Here are a few pics from Kinlee's Idaho History program at school.  They did it at 2:00 in the after noon so that mostly just parents were there.  It was a cute program, but looking at these pictures I decided what I wouldn't give to be in Kinlee's head for just one day.  Her facial expressions sometimes just push me over the edge.  I have been on the receiving end of some those looks and let me tell you, it is just a little scary.  But, that is just her personality and I guess that is what makes her who she is.

I am pretty sure right here she is a little irritated with someone.  She is really good about doing what she is supposed to at things like this.  Also at her dance recitals and any public thing.  So, when other kids are naughty (in her eyes) or not doing what they are supposed to, she pretty much tries to keep them in line.  Which I am pretty sure doesn't go over very well with her peers.  I think that she has been in charge for so long at our house that she should be the boss everywhere else also.  Just ask Jerika, we try not to upset her too much around here, because it makes life miserable.  If anyone has any suggestions on how we can fix that, I am all ears!!  Or if you would like to keep her for a few weeks during the summer to straighten her out, just let me know.

My Birthday through Christmas