Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Even better.....

It is a good thing Ray doesn't know how to look at my blog!!  He would really kill me, but I couldn't resist.  Isn't he sexy.

I really do love him, even though he is a little silly sometimes!!


Vrska's said...

Oh he would so kill you right now if he knew I was viewing these pictures! Kind of like the time he told you he liked my tights and then you told me! That was HILARIOUS!
Love the pictures!!!

The Courtney Family said...

Oh I am so TELLING!!!!

Jen said...


Jen said...

I've been talking to my kids lately about being careful about what they say, and what they do because you never know when someone is taking a picture or video, and then putting it online for everyone in the world to see. I guess you better have that talk with Ray.

Debi and Craig said...

I would assume from the pictures he has a sense of humor? So He might be mad for a minute but he'll get over it.=) Thanks for the laugh!!

My Birthday through Christmas