Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kinlee decorating the tree ALONE.

I have been a complete and total BAH HUMBUG this year for several reasons.  However, we still needed to put up a tree.  Well, as in we I guess I mean Kinlee.  Our tree that we have had for the last 15 years broke last year and we needed a new one and I thought I could get one on clearance, but I never found one.  Well, this year we found this little 6 footer in the shed, so we decided to just put it up instead.  Kinlee was the only one that really wanted to decorate it and if any of you know me, that is highly unlike me at all.  I even let her put on some ornaments that didn't match the others (yes, I am off my game this year).  While I was at the computer and Ray was napping, she did everything but put the lights on, Ray did do that.

This is the old star and I am not really sure why we still have it in the box of stuff, we haven't put in on the tree for years, but she thought she was cute as the tree herself.

Another thinking she is cute picture - okay she is cute.

Yes, Ray is sleeping in this picture.  He did open his eyes for a minute, but has absolutely no recollection of this picture being taken.  I guess it is a good thing he doesn't look at my blog.

I told Kinlee the night she put the tree up that if she cleaned her room, she could put up the rest of the decorations.  Well, she finally got her room cleaned tonight, which is the 22nd.  She asked me if she could still put up the decorations since her room was clean and I told her I thought it was a little late.  Maybe next year she could have her room cleaned all the time so it would work better in her favor.  I guess it wasn't really a good motivational thing for her.  I finally motivated her by telling her I wasn't putting anymore presents under the tree for her until her room was ALL done.  So, that is why she finally got it done.
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1 comment:

Debi and Craig said...

So sad to be the youngest sometimes... She looks like she is having fun though!!! Merry Christmas!!

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...