Monday, December 6, 2010

Adrian Brown - Blake's Son - My Nephew

Tonight has been crazy and I really wanted to get these pictures posted with the story, but tonight it will just be the pictures, with a little story.  This is Blake's son that he put up for adoption over 19 years ago.  Blake met him the weekend before Thanksgiving and we were all able to meet him the following Friday.  It was an amazing experience and Blake could have never asked for better adoptive parents, they are wonderful. 
We love them all!!

1 comment:

Debi and Craig said...

That is amazing! I can't believe how much they look alike! What a blessing for them to get to meet again.

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...