Sunday, July 25, 2010

Girls camp 2010 - The Rain Storm

Okay, here is the story.  We left for girls camp on Tuesday morning, it was in June and yes I am behind.  Anyway, we went to Dirk and Robin Parkinson's property in Fremont County.  The first day we had a great day certifying.  That night we had finished supper, which was a little burnt for some.  Sister Courtney took some really good pictures of the burnt offerings.  The 4th years were supposed to cook their dinner on the fire and they kind of forgot about it and the result was very crispy dinner.  Anyway, while cleaning up dinner, the wind started blowing and it starting raining like crazy.  Our tent was a wall tent and it was set up on gravel, well I should say the girls tent, the Parkinsons had the leaders in a trailer, so our stuff stayed pretty dry okay it was completely dry.  Anyway, I can't express in words how scary the storm was and I think it was so scary for me because I was in charge.  I was really glad that Dirk was there that night to help out.  Anyway, the news said the wind was blowing about 60 miles per hour that night.  The sides of the tent were blowing up and we tried to hold them down and it would blow us over.  We tried to get all the girls stuff up on cots so it didn't get wet, but there was some flooding and things did get wet.  Earlier that night we had built a fire and it wasn't too far from the tent.  One of our very inspired leaders thought we should move the fire, which was a great idea, because even though the fire was far away from the tent we still had embers blowing into the tent.  There were some an air mattress melted and a few things with little burn marks on them.  We also had a litle cabin up there that we had all of our food and stuff in, so some of the leaders and girls were in there when the storm started.  I was a little angry in the beginning that we didn't see those leaders outside at all helping us, but then when I saw pictures after, some of them were even wetter than we were because they were fetching chairs and other things blowing away.  There were several blessings that night and I am not really even sure that the girls realize how lucky they were.  But, they were such troopers. 
These are pictures from inside the tent (that is where I was).  It was amazing what good attitudes all the girls had.  The girls that were "safe" inside the house kept begging to come outside with all the other girls.  Dirk was going back and forth to make sure everyone was safe and accounted for, needless to say he was the least dry in our whole group and he was one of the troopers that ate the burnt offerings for dinner. 
If you look really close you can see how wet the girls pants were and some of them had really wet hair.  They were so cute though, they were all in the tent singing at the top of their lungs.  Notice all the smiles.
You can't see it very well, but this is the floor of our tent, yes it is muddy.

This amazing fellow is Chris.  He was our priesthood the whole time at girls camp.  My Laurel advisor couldn't come with us, and her married daughter Jessica really wanted to come, so we had her husband be one of our priesthood the whole time.  I think it was one of the best things we could have ever done.  This young man is an outstanding example!!  By the end of camp the girls kept saying things like, "I want to marry someone just like Chris", "Chris is amazing".  It really did give them something to look at as far as what kind of person to date and they saw 1st hand how good he treated Jessica and I think it really was a blessing to have them both there.  Jessica did a Faith Walk for the girls the last night we were there and it was awesome.  I would highly recommend taking a young married couple to camp.

We decided at the end of the storm, and by we I mean the girls also, that we would drive back home for the night and bring dry bedding back for the next night.  So, above is a picture of what the inside of the tent looked like when we got back.  Below is us laying everything out on the lawn to dry during the day.

The rest of camp was really good, we just stayed Wed. night and then came home on Thursday.  Wed. night the bishopric came up and they even did a skit, which was really good.  I might even post some pictures of that too, they were hilarious.  Next year is Stake camp again and I am really looking forward to that, it is much easier, I hope. 

1 comment:

Suzette said...

Love the pics. Almost makes me miss it. :)

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