Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mother's Day - wow I am behind

I'm so far behind that I keep wondering if I am even doing these posts in order. Anyway, here is our mother's day celebration. Since we were in Utah wth mom on the real mothers day, we celebrated the next Sundayat KaReena's house. So, here are the pics.
Wow, it looks like I gave up control of the camera. Oh, how I hate not being in control!!

All the moms. This picture represents 3 very good reasons why I hate to give someone else the camera. First of all, it is off center, second, it isn't quite close enough and third I am too large for anyone to be taking pictures of me. But, I guess I did get a picture of he moms I love, so I will have to deal with it and I could have photoshopped it, but yes I was too lazy!!

All of the moms with the men they love. It looks like I was bossing whoever it was taking the picture. Other than that and my moms extra 4 "ears" I guess it turned out pretty good. I should really just be thankful, I know.  Look how happy we look!!  It was a pretty fun day!!

Kinlee with grandma.
We love our mom, she is amazing and does amazing things on a daily basis. We are all pretty happy she is retired, I don't know what we ever did with her working all the time. THANKS MOM FOR EVERYTHING!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!
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