Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mom's new kitchen....

Mom has really waited a very long time to have her new kitchen. Well, this was the year. She was able to get new appliances too and if you ask the grandkids what the best part is, it is the faucet. It is one of those that all you have to do is touch it and it turns on, it is pretty neat. Ray did their backsplash for them and after a pretty long day and into the night, I think it looked pretty amazing.

I think we took this picture at about 10:30 that night and he had been there since 8:30, so he had a very long day!!
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Colette said...

It does look nice. Way to go Ray!!

Debi and Craig said...

Looks great! You will have to post some pictures of the kitchen when she gets it put together. It looks beautiful!!

Mauna said...

Looks beautiful! Great job son! I've got to go up and see it.

My Birthday through Christmas