Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

So, I think I can do everything!! Work full time, take care of two children alone during the week, Young Women's President, run kids to lessons, help at the school on Fridays, etc., etc., etc., but I guess that isn't enough!! So, I volunteered to help with teacher appreciation week at Kinlee's school. Well, this time I needed backup!! We had to color LIFE SIZE pictures of the entire Incredible Family with crayons. Well, mission accomplished, thanks to Jerika, Kinlee and Allisa. They turned out pretty cute, but I didn't get a picture of the finished product. Oh, I also made book marks for all the teachers at the school. Yes, I do need a huge vacation!!

I think this is how we all felt by the time it was done. I must say we did an amazing job.
FYI this post is for you Debbie. I will try to do better!!
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Colette said...

Why is it that we think we can do it all!!! There is a word N O!!!But I laughed at the last picture Mrs. Incredible aka Janel hahaha

Mauna said...

Hi there! I drop by every now and then just to see what all you have all been up and to see the pictures that you take. I love it and you amaze me. Keep up the good work.

Debi and Craig said...

Thanks Janel!! You are the best! Don't ever stop trying to do everything but remember to always stop and take tie for yourself once in a while. You deserve it. Love you! Debi

Mills Family said...

I miss you!

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