Sunday, August 16, 2009

My cute niece!!

My neice gave me the pleasure of taking her Sr. pictures while she was here for two weeks. Here are just a few out of the 1,000 pictures we took. These aren't her favorites, but personally some of my own. I can't believe my brother is old enough to have a senior, he must be really old. Thanks Ash, it was a lot of fun!!

I was trying to think the other day what I should call my little photograph business and I came up with "Just Shoot Me" photography. I thought it was pretty catchy, even if I do say so myself. Anyway, if you need pictures done for anything, call me or email me.
None of these photos are photoshopped, which I think makes them look even better, once again just my opinion.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Design jewelry and watches, you're funny, help Tiff set up her blog, there anything you can't do? Believe me, if I lived in Rexburg I'd hire you.