Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sharp Family Pictures

Wow, we have been busy the last few weeks!! We had our big Sharp Family reunion the first weekend in August, so we took the opportunity of having most of us together to take our family pictures. My friend Becky met us at the park before the reunion and helped me take pictures of all of us (that way I didn't have to run into position). Thanks Becky!!
We are missing Brycen (Blake's oldest son) and Tyler.

Thanks Kelsie for getting all of the adults to smile. It was tough work, but someone had to do it.


US! A little off balance, but that isn't anything out of the ordinary.

Stay tuned for pictures of ALL the Sharps that came to the reunion. We hadn't been together since grandma died, which was when Jerika was about 3 or 4, so roughly 10 years ago.
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My Birthday through Christmas