Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not my kids....

Which I am sure you all already know, but, my good friend Allisa let me take pictures of her
kids, which was so much fun!! One of these days I hope to be able to take really good pictures and learn how to pose people well.
I might actually need to get me a better camera, but don't tell Ray because he thinks he is going to buy me one for Christmas.

This is Mya, isn't she cute, and she was such a sport!!

Reece, look at his blue eyes. He kept saying cheese, it was so funny!!

And of course Peyton, Mr. Busy Body, but he cooperated like a sport, look at his cute dimples.

Thanks Allisa!! We had fun!!
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1 comment:

Jen said...

You're practically a professional!

My Birthday through Christmas