Saturday, January 4, 2025

Continued October and beginning of November 2024

The one time I do get to travel for work is to West Yellowstone in October. Ray was able to come up later and spend the night. The event is basically training for Faculty that has been here 2 years and they have completed necessary goals.  It was a lot of planning but good.  I love my job!!

McKay came and went to lunch with me before leaving on his mission.

Cutest Halloween grandkid costumes - Brynlee, Harrison & Lyvi

One of my events I planned, okay I ordered food.  LOL

We love spending time with the Harpers. This time we took Keegan with us to meet everyone.  So we actually had all 4 grandkids in one place together.

I found these hats at Mauna's house.  These two were so silly.

Going to Bear Lake in August with 3 of the 4 kids and their families.


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