Sunday, August 7, 2022

More Catchup - Easter, Mothers Day, life, sillyness

Annual Green Canyon Trip

Easter Sunday

You steal my phone you get posted

Ward Party - Mya's graduation celebration

Another thief of my camera

These were too funny not to share.  Click on pictures to read. 

Pictures of the students at work - New job helping Brooke and cookies

Kinlee thinks she's funny when she takes pictures with filters at church

Lunch today with my old friend and roommate Suzie (Kate) Zundel

Jake obviously hates my CPAP as much as I do, I came home and he chewed it all up.

Bookclub cabin retreat with Trulee and Erica.  My bed compared with Trulee's I sleep like a crazy person.

We had so much fun

Mothers Day

Funniest filter ever.


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My Birthday through Christmas