Wednesday, March 23, 2022

First Sunday of the Year


New Years Eve Friends Party

We made good use of Pinnocks addition this month.  We also played Family Feud, it was so much fun.
We love being together and our kids enjoy each other too which makes it even better.


Last Days of December

Babysitting Sophie - She loves Ray

CPAP appointment and actual machine

Lunch with the FAM

I need this shirt.  Especially after seeing how many pictures I took during December.  And that doesn't even include the videos.


Christmas Night Friend Party


Christmas Day


Christmas Eve

This is what mom was so excited to open

Getting these freaks to be serious is quite a chore.  But I sure do love them.


Bookclub Birthdays Bunco & Busyness


December Sillyness


Catchup of 2021 - Here I Go


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I want to change women's lives

One of these days I'm going to do it. I want to be a coach and help people be their best selves. Maybe it can be training on how to make friends. That I am good at and who doesn't need friends? I'm going to make it happen. What and see. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Crazy Life todays date

 I know I have said this before and I will forever say it again.  I really would like to be able to keep this blog caught up so I can write on it in real time when I need to.  I play catch up a lot and then I have forgetting some of the most important details of the stories.  I don't do this blog for other people, even though I realize some of you do actually still read it and thanks.  But I print it off each year and make a book so I have record of what we did that year.  Some years are worse some are better, but we are so busy right now.  Sometimes I feel like my life and things I do are not for me but for others in my family.  I know pity party right.  I am really thinking I am having some sort of midlife crisis and have had a few little meltdowns lately.  I think a lot of it does have to do with my busy schedule and the many things I am trying to do.  I am feeling a little stagnant at my job right now but I am thankful for my job.  So, this is my nice midlife crisis post even though there is so much more to tell.

My Birthday through Christmas