Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Trying to Wrap it Up Most of October in 1 post

Someone got a hole of my phone it looks like.

We had an infestation and this is just one.  I'll spare you all the details, it was a nightmare.  We are mouse free.

Someone posted this beauty on Instagram.  I was a Sophomore, can you find me?

Did the wedding video at Caitlynn's wedding.  Her grandpas house had amazing views.

Tonia and Lance came to visit and Ciera thought it would be fun to do a video so of course we did.  Well, some of us were willing participants and Ray videoed for us.

This was Carter's farewell.  We did get lost on the way there because I forgot what church they went to.  He is going to Russia, how crazy is that?  He's the cutest.

I was trying to get everything done by the end of the year since we have reached our deductible and out of pocket.  So, I took a sleep test and got my eyelids fixed.  More details to follow on both.

We love book club.  Erika is a new addition and she went way above and beyond.  The book was about the American Sherlock Holmes and she had all the fun stuff.

Laurie from work has cancer and so we all got these shirts for her with her initials on them. . We wear these on the days she has chemo.  I'm not sure what the other picture was, Halloween filter.

Dress up at work, some pics are doubled.

Then the power went out so I went home to work.

This day was horrible.  Ethan Williams was in a car accident and killed.  I went and helped Nantalie with the little kids while Amanda and Travis were with Shamra.  


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