Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Amazing Friends

We got a bid for a new fence and they wanted to come sooner than we thought to come put it up.  So, the blown down fence had to come completely down.  The Kam boys helped but Ray couldn't do anything because of his surgery.  So the Carlsons swooped in and helped us.  They are amazing.  We are so blessed with the best people in our life who or so willing to jump in and help when we have issues, which is often.


May 4th Surgery for Ray


That Took a Turn for the Worst

I sent this snap on the way to Idaho Falls one day after stopping at the gas station in Sugar City.
Right after I sent it Rays phone started ringing and it was in his pocket so he didn't answer it.  We were going to help Terry and when we got there I noticed I had missed someone at the door of our house.

I pulled up the video and it was the Police.  As I'm looking at this Ray is listening to the voicemail on his phone and it was also the police.  Evidently when we went to the gas station Ray thought I was paying inside and I thought he was paying outside.  So yup we drove off without paying for our gas. Ray called the police and the gas station and I messaged my cute friend, the owner.  

The girl that was working was new and didn't know us so she called the police which she should've done.  The drive offs come out of your paycheck so I don't blame her.  When we came back to town I got her a gift card for Amazon for her trouble and we paid for our gas.  UGH how embarrassing.

Work Stuff End of April

The Escrow Officers took care of us throughout the day on Admin Assistants day.  Gift, lunch, cookies.  They really are super thoughtful.

Connor is leaving us and we are so sad.  We used to have a delivery boy who took a pic of himself with the company car and posted it on his Facebook.  So during Connor's last week he took that to a whole new level.  He's the best, and we are so happy he is just getting a promotion and going to work in Idaho Falls.

Cooper is the new guy.  Connor loved this lense cleaner I have so we were trying to make him jealous.  The good thing about Cooper is he is friends with Connor and they are a lot alike.  We have really lucked out with these Pocatello boys.


Cute Brayli's Birthday April 18


Green Canyon with Sharps


A week in April

The wind has been so crazy here.  It actually blew down our 40 year old fence.

I decided no more wrap on nails until my nails heal.  I pick my fingers so bad so I decided that it was worth having them done so I don't destroy them.


Brayli DYW

She did an amazing job and was REALLY overlooked by the judges.  She was OUR winner.

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...