Saturday, September 26, 2020


I was going to post some of the scenery pictures that Ray took on his phone but I guess those didn't save on my google photos just my phone.  I do a lot of my blogging from my phone but have to make collages to do it because I am so far behind it takes forever to find the pictures.  But I am on my Chromebook right now and it is only letting me use google photos.  When I use my laptop it lets me use ALL the pictures on my phone  It is just really weird what it will and won't let me do.  But I am glad I have it since I don't scrapbook anymore.  And lets be honest I'm the only one that really even looks at it anyway.

This was our photographers post after we had our pictures done.  Well she actually reposted my post and it looks like I got someones comment on my screenshot too.  Who knew.


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