Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September Fourth

Ray's company sent flowers.  Which reminds me I still need to send thank yous.  I'm so tired right now, anyway I digress.  On my way home from her house that night the moon by the temple was so amazing.  I tried to take pictures but they really didn't do it justice.  But how amazing are these flowers?


Saturday, September 26, 2020

September 4th Mauna

On the morning of September 4th my mother in law passed away.  I thought I could post about it and not cry. I guess that isn't the case. So I am just going to leave it here right now. It's been hard and so sad. 

September is here BTW

Boring nail pictures, struggleyd at work and spilled potatoes in Sugar City. Exciting day.


I lost 20 pounds and won 2nd place. 

Finished the Stairs

I'm Funny

I've done some funny videos lately and then I think later I should've taken a picture too because it was hilarious and I should've blogged it. I almost ran out of gas the other day but still made it to Sugar to get gas there. Yup I'm dedicated. The other 2 pics are self explanatory

Crazy Storm

Photo Credit Debi Womack. 

Cieras Wedding Dress

Ciera invited us to go look at wedding dresses with her and she found THE ONE. It's not one of these. She's getting married in a few weeks so I will post a picture then. We couldn't be happier for her. We love Konnor. 


I am proud of myself I have lost almost 20 pounds during this challenge. But I want to eat a few things I've been missing. Maybe that's why I am grumpier than normal. 

These Sunsets

I was out at Trulees house she has the best sunsets. They are giving me life right now. I'm sad people are being evacuated from their homes for fires though.

I Missed the Group Picture

Tearing out the Conrete at dad and moms

Dad is wanting to replace all of the concrete at his house and it was going to cost A LOT of money to have someone come take it out so we rallied our forces aka all the family and spent the day tearing out the concrete pads so they could have new ones poured.  
It was really a great day because we hadn't all been together as a family for months because of COVID so that made all worth while.  
It was long hard work but the boys did amazing because lets be honest the girls didn't do too much.  I did make breakfast but compared to the hard work they did all day that was nothing.  The day was nice though not too hot and we really did have a good time.  The boys were sore the next day but like I said totally worth it.


More Work Stuff

Ray's Tasks

Father Daughter time aka haircut 8/12

Pandemic Shortages

I think I mentioned before the shortages like toilet paper and cooking supplies. But when I saw this article it really have me pause and I had to run get some more. We really have been blessed during this whole thing. We have been able to work and stock up on things and even help other people. That has been such a huge blessing. 

Work Anniversary

I was so excited when I saw the work anniversary posting on our work Instagram page. Well they only did a couple of the anniversaries for the month. The following picture is how I felt. 

Here They Are I Had to Do it


I was going to post some of the scenery pictures that Ray took on his phone but I guess those didn't save on my google photos just my phone.  I do a lot of my blogging from my phone but have to make collages to do it because I am so far behind it takes forever to find the pictures.  But I am on my Chromebook right now and it is only letting me use google photos.  When I use my laptop it lets me use ALL the pictures on my phone  It is just really weird what it will and won't let me do.  But I am glad I have it since I don't scrapbook anymore.  And lets be honest I'm the only one that really even looks at it anyway.

This was our photographers post after we had our pictures done.  Well she actually reposted my post and it looks like I got someones comment on my screenshot too.  Who knew.


My Birthday through Christmas