Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Road Trip To Twin Falls

I just realized that I am really slacking on my blog posts.  This week has been heartbreaking, but I will blog about that when my heart can actually type the words.  So, I decided maybe I would feel better if I updated my blog and realize how important my family is and how lucky I am.  This time we left on Friday night and spent the night.

When we got there we had them meet us at Panda Express, and par for the course my fortune cookie was empty.  I guess that is story of my life so far this year.

How cute are these 2?  We really don't see them often enough and I really miss them.  It is sad and I think I have actually had some depression about her moving.  After dinner we went checked into our hotel.  Well, Ray and I did, Kinlee stayed with Jerika at her house and Cade was at the same hotel we were at, but he was working there for the night shift.

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