Thursday, April 30, 2015

Festival Recital

It was festival time again and Kinlee was not super happy to be there.  I think part of the reason is that she knew she hadn't worked as hard as she should have.  She came out crying afterward thinking she had done a terrible job and sad because she messed up.  Which was all in vain!!  She got a total of 98 out of 100 on her pieces, so she did pretty good, I would say.  I am sure she will practice more for the next one though.  Silly kid!!
I took her to lunch afterward and she seemed a little happier, since we went to her favorite place, Pizza Pie Café.
Even though you can't tell we had the grandparents and Tyler over for dinner before the recital, Molly was busy helping a friend so she couldn't make it. 
That night was Kinlee's recital.  Her teacher talked to us about concert etiquette but I think that was before this picture.  They were being quiet and I don't think they were disturbing anyone, but who knows, we will do better next time!! 
After the behavior talk. 
Kinlee did a good job.  She did say she goofed up a few times, but nobody could really tell.  But, once again I am pretty sure she learned her lesson for not practicing like she should.  She has come a long way in a few years and plays very well.  We are all very jealous of her talent!! 

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