Monday, July 14, 2014

More wedding

The throwing of the bouquet, yep that is my 13 year old Kinlee catching it.  She did relinquish it to Ashlin later, which made me feel much better.

This is my dad's brother Gale and his wife Sally.  It really meant a lot to my dad that they came to support him.  Their daughter Lisa also came, but I guess I didn't get her in the picture.

Dancing with my Daddy.  I don't think I have done that before that I can ever remember.

The "line" minus the flower girl.

We stayed on the floor after the family picture for our own little family picture, aren't we precious?

How cute are these two?  I even got one of dad smiling.

The Sharp sibs with the bride and groom.  Ben was the only son in law that was there and I am not sure why he didn't make it into the picture.

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