Saturday, December 22, 2012


Ray's mom's fiance has a santa suit, so Ray thought it would be fun to dress up as Santa.  This was at Ray's moms house and he liked it so much that he decided that he wanted to go visit a few of the little people in Sugar City.  (I will post those pictures next.)

Yup, that is mommy kissing Santa Claus.

I couldn't resist this one...I think it was my favorite picture of the day.

I made santa sit on my lap instead.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Same decorations different year.

The whole tree isn't even decorated, so I wanted at least one picture and that is what I got.  I guess the kids are growing up, so I can compare the different pictures from different years.  We did get a different tree this year, our other tree (which we had for 18 years) finally gave up the fight this year.  And my friend was retiring her unprelit tree so we got it and I love it.
How precious are these two?  I think Kinlee is irritated with Jerika as usual.  Gotta love them.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Temple Lights - Picture overload

The week before Thanksgiving the weather was so nice, that I started contemplating a trip to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights (neither Ray or the girls had ever seen them). I wasn’t really sure if we should, but I checked the weather forecast for every town between here and Salt Lake. If you didn’t already know, I HATE travelling on slick roads. I know I was raised in Idaho, but that hasn’t seemed to make me feel any better about it. Anyway, Ray and I finally decided the Sunday before Thanksgiving we would go, so I booked a hotel room. We didn’t tell Jerika for a few days and like I said in the previous post, we didn’t tell Kinlee until we made it to the Welcome to Utah sign. I am not sure where she thought we were going, but she finally started getting irritated, so we told her. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, it was beautiful the entire weekend. We did some shopping when we first got there at the Gateway mall and for it being Black Friday it wasn't too busy at all.  We even got some pretty good deals too.

After that we went to check in at our hotel and then we went to dinner with Shelby, Kels, Austin, Ashlin and Catie (possible story to follow at a later time.)  Ashlin, Kelsie, Matt and Austin came back to the hotel with us and then we all went to see the lights, which was so much fun.

This was all of us waiting for the train.

We also got to see the new mall across the street from the Temple and we rode the train as well (which made all of us a little queasy even though we only rode for a block).

Kinlee got to do her favorite thing when we stay in hotels, which is swim and Ray and Jerika even put their feet in the hot tub too.

The next day we did more shopping with Shelby and then went to lunch with Shelby and Ash. We were so tired at that point that we decided to head for home. We did have to stop at the Layton mall, of course, and get me some sugar cookies, and we walked around the mall a little bit before actually heading North. I think we all had a really good time and all of us got along great. Sometimes it is hard to travel with Ray, because we aren’t used to taking him with us and he doesn’t understand why we do the things we do, but he was a trooper this time.  It was so much fun and I am really glad that we went!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving like every year (well except for Ray last year when he spent it in the hospital) was at my moms. We decided to take a few pictures before we left the house. How cute are we? We like Thanksgiving week, because that means we get a few extra days with Ray home. He was home Wednesday and didn’t leave again until Monday. And the amazing thing is that we all got along.

Since Ray’s mom got divorced, we invite her to Thanksgiving with us at moms and this year KaReena’s mother in law came too. And if you can see the man next to Ray’s mom, that is her boyfriend Terry (the kids call him Grandpa Tiny….long story). Anyway the plan is that they will be getting married next year sometime. He is super nice and we all really like him and he treats Rays mom like a queen.

The whole day was pretty low key since it was just my family and KaReena’s, but we had a good time and of course the food was amazing as usual. Later that night we went home and packed for our trip to Utah to see the Christmas Lights on Temple Square. We kept the trip a secret from Kinlee and we didn’t tell her we were going anywhere that next day. Jerika packed all of her stuff for her so she wouldn’t know.

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...