Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kinlee + Horses = BAD IDEA!!

The only thing Kinlee wanted to do for her birthday this year was ride a horse.  So, me being the amazing mom that I am, I made that happen.  A man that I work with has horses and was more than willing to have us come to his house so she could ride a horse.  We helped get the horses saddled and brushed them and during this Kinlee started getting super nervous.  By the time the horses were ready to go, Kinlee decided she really didn't want to ride the horses.  Luckily Ray had gone with me and he and Dan were not letting her out of it.  So, especially Dan made her get on the horse and led the horse around for her.  The friend she took with her has horses and has ridden since she was little, so that was a little helpful.  However, the minute Ray and Dan let go of the horse and she started having to ride it herself, things didn't got well.  She pulled back too hard on the reins and the horse started backing up and she freaked out.  Yes, there was crying and I think she only rode the horse for 15 minutes at the most.
Torey and Kinlee.  This was before they got on the horse, so there was still some smiling.

Still smiling, but not for long.

I think this was pretty much the same picture as above, just a little closer.

The meltdown is starting slowly.

This was right before she decided she was done.  She at least got to try it and I am pretty certain that she will not be asking to ride a horse ever again.  After we were done we all went to lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe Kinlee's favorite place to eat.  What a fun(?) day!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jerika really is 17.....Happy Birthday BOO!!

Jerika's dad has called her Boo since she was little and he still calls her that.  Her name in his cell phone is even Boo.  So that is what the Boo is on the top of this post.  Most of Jerika's birthday this year was our trip to Wicked.  And I think she thought she needed MORE hoodies, because that is pretty much all she asked for.  So, that is what she got.
We had the usuals over for cake and ice cream and we sure love the usuals and their support of our kids!!  I don't know what I would do without any of them!!

This was the most expensive birthday cake EVER!!  She wanted a reeses cake from Dairy Queen.  I must say that will be the last time we do that.  It was good though, but not as good as the cake we get at Broulims, it is the best, but the silly kids don't agree.  So, I guess it was her birthday and that is why I gave in this one time.

Happy Birthday Jerika, we love you!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

First Day of School 2012 - Kinda

This was actually Jerika's second week of school and Kinlee's first.  Truth be told, Kinlee and I didn't want to get out of bed early on Jerika's first day, so we took pictures on Kinlee's first day.
Jerika started her Jr. year this year and Kinlee is in 6th grade.  I can't believe they are so old!!

They are both really good girls, they have their moments, but I wouldn't trade either of them for anything!!  They are so much fun!!

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...