Monday, February 20, 2012

Christmas morning - A little late

I don't know what my deal is lately, but I have not been on the computer much, therefore, no blogging done.  I have read a lot of books in the last few weeks (thanks to Kindle) and that has made me much less productive.  But, I will want to blog the old stuff too.  That being said, I am really liking my Valentine background on my blog and at this point in time have no intentions of changing it even though valentines days is over.  The hearts make me happy.  Now onto Christmas pics.

We stayed at mom and dads again this year.  Well, we actually stay every other year.  This year we let the kids decide what they wanted to do and they wanted to stick with tradition.  Grandpa did however make them sleep until 6 a.m. instead of 5, but I think they knew that if they really woke up at 5 he wouldn't care, he is always a trooper.

Aren't we precious?  This year I didn't take as many pictures, and I am not sure why.

During my sabatical this year our car dvd player exploded (yup very scary!! and stinky).  So, we decided to get the girls their own personal dvd players and that way they could watch what they wanted and not argue.  It has also come in handy at home, I can't believe how much the use them, who would have known.

Grandpa and grandma - remember don't tell my dad you saw him on my blog, he gets a little irritated with me, but look how cute he is, I just couldn't resist.

Two in a row... but he doesn't seem to mind getting his picture taken lately.  I think that might have been after Ray told him of my temper tantrums I have been throwing lately if people don't cooperate with me when I want to take their picture.

I am pretty sure I have very spoiled children.  They did get a lot of things they needed this year.  Jerika has lost more weight and needed new clothes.

Kinlee also needed church shoes and of course they got a few fun things too.  But we had so much fun.  After we had opened all of our presents, we got ready for church.  We were able to go to church in St. Anthony and listen to grandma sing in the choir.  That way dad didn't have to sit alone, which I know really doesn't bother him, but we thought it would be nice.

Grandma modeling her new slippers and jacket.

Grandma Walker actually came to church with us in St. Anthony and then we stayed for lunch there too.  Afterward we came back to our house and opened presents from her.  All in all it was a pretty amazing Christmas.  We love our family and LOVED spending time with everyone!!

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My Birthday through Christmas