Monday, February 28, 2011


We spent New Years eve at the Carlsons.  We had so much fun, even though the power was out for a few hours and it was below zero (not a good combination.)
Allisa & Brandon

Us with Brandon's light so we could see.

Ray had a head lamp and it was everyone's favorite.  DeAnn does however look a little irritated or something.  Maybe she just didn't want her picture taken in the dark or she didn't think we could see her face in the dark.  Thank goodness for the flash, it catches everything.

Even Kinlee's cross eyes, silly kid.  Mya's hair is getting so long.

Allisa's computer was still charged so the kids were able to watch their movie on that.

Wow, that is a little blurry, but you get the point.

Peyton, Kinlee, Reece

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Still - More Christmas - this is the last!!

Ray with his Granny.

I'm too sexy for my Dr. Pepper shirt.  Kinlee and her slinky and Grandma Walker with her pet elephant?

I guess I should have put the kids in this one for a 4 generation picture.  Too tired to think.

Tyler, Kinlee and the ex girlfriend Natalie.  She made a haul and then dumped Tyler.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Silly family.....

I decided I look much better behind the camera. Also, I give up all control when I have someone else taking the pictures for me. And it looks like I need to take my glasses off for the next family pictures.

Anyway, here are the pictures we took of the adults on Christmas Eve (I know, I know I am really behind). Anyway, I guess you can call us adults, even though we kind of act like silly kids a lot.

I can just hear mom saying "what a bunch of silly kids". She is thinking it, just look at her.

Once again if I would have been behind the camer I would have noticed some of the wives were covered by their husband's big heads. Then there is me again, thinking that if I lift my head up really high nobody will be able to see all my chins. I think I look even more silly than I would have normally.

I think mom and dad missed the "make silly faces" memo.
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My Birthday through Christmas