Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Grandpa "GEORGE"

This is Grandpa "George" Walker and our Granny

Grandpa, Gail Walker passed away on Friday, October 15th in Idaho Falls, Idaho. He is Ray's mom's dad and he was Ray's dad too. He was the only father figure that Ray really had in his life. He called all of our kids George since they were little, especially Tyler and so our kids have called him Grandpa George since they were little. We are thankful that he was able to pass quickly, they believe it was a massive heart attack. This picture was taken just a little over a month ago. We were lucky to spend time with them whenever we could. I (Janel) was lucky enough to be at the hospital right after he passed away and the peace there was amazing!! We all know that he ran straight into the arms of his son, Kail, patiently waiting for him on the other side. WE LOVE YOU GRANDPA GEORGE and we will miss you!!
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