Thursday, July 30, 2009

My babies are getting so big!! seems as if I might need to get a life. I am sure blogging a lot lately. I think that is because I have been taking a lot of pictures the last few months. However, people are going to thank me someday because I took a lot of pictures. Say what you want and complain about me taking pictures, but mark my word, you WILL thank me. All that aside, here are some pictures of my girls. These were all taken within 2 blocks of our house. We didn't have to go too far for great backgrounds. Aren't they cute?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Feeding the "Fish"?

After we left Greg & Tiff, we thought it would be fun to go to Big Springs and feed the fish. Well, to our surprise, there were no fish, you fee the seagulls instead. Which the girls liked just the same, so it didn't really matter to them.

Then we went to Macks Inn and they waded in the very cold water there. All in all it was a really fun day and it is amazing the fun and beautiful places we have to go right in our own "back yard".

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RELIEF!! I found them.

Okay, so these are some of pictures I thought were lost, I did download them onto my other computer. I would still like some ideas about where to save all the pictures I take.

This was our afternoon in Island Park with the Stoddards. The kids had a blast riding the 4 wheelers.

This is Tiff the mighty hunter. Okay, it is just a bbgun, but she was a pretty good shot.

Greg put all the kids but 2 onto the 4 wheeler and took them for a ride, he is a very brave man. Look at the amazing view and all the trees, it was beautiful up there.

Tiff & Cort
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So I am unable to locate some of my pictures from the 4th of July and I have just reformatted my memory card, so they are gone. I thought I had downloaded all of them and boy was I mistaken. I am hoping I actually downloaded them on my other computer. I guess that is what I get for being too hasty and deleting my memory card. Does anyone have any good ideas about where to save their pictures other than discs? KaReena had saved hers to an external hard drive and it crashed. I do have some saved online, but my picasa web album is full. Let me know all your great ideas. Thanks!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 4th - morning & night

I don't know when I will figure it out, but my pictures always load in opposite order. Does that make sense, this should be the last picture. Anyway, on the 4th we went to Ashton for the parade with my mom & dad, Nakia's family and Allisa's family and then we headed to Island Park to hang out with Greg & Tiff's family (I will post pictures of Island Park later). After Island Park, we went to Terry and DeAnn's house to watch the Rexburg fireworks. Yes, my face was sunburned and yes I did have racoon eyes.
Terry & I

Nakia & DeAnn

Jerika & Allisa

Mya & Kinlee

Almost everyone

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fireworks at KaReena's house - July 3rd

Here are some of pictures we took, it is pretty dark though and hard to see some of us.

Nakia, mom, Jerika & I

KaReena & Dad, I'm posting his picture even though he said I didn't have his permission.

Kinlee, Tragan, KaReena, Lydia, Kaden & Daxton (Ben, Nakia & mom in the background)

Nakia, mom, Jerika & dad (another picture posted without his permission, isn't he cute!)

Kinlee, Brayli & Lydia (I guess I didn't get any pictures of Brian)
Thanks Brian & KaReena for dinner and the fabulous firework show!! We love spending time with our family.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Father's Day Celebration

Since we were in Utah on the real Father's Day, we celebrated Father's Day the Sunday afterward at moms house. Here are a few pictures from that day. We really look like we all had a rough day, which I now remember we did. But here we are, happy as can be that we are together.

My Birthday through Christmas