Monday, March 23, 2009

Mom's Birthday.

Yes, I do realize that mom's birthday was in January, and that is how far behind I am and how far behind I feel on everything else.
But, here are the pictures. We all met at Applebees in Rexburg and there were so many of us we had to sit at 3 tables. KaReena was in charge of my camera and nobody would take a picture of her, so she took one of herself. Merrill wasn't there, because he had just had surgery on his shoulder. Shelby and Anita surprised us and came from Utah to eat with us also. It was a really fun night and I know mom enjoyed it, even though we weren't all sitting at the same table.

Brian, Ray, Shawn & KaReena sat together. Don't they look excited.

Isn't Shawn precious?

KaReena's self portrait. Ray still thinks she is adopted and I'm not sure why.

My cute parents.
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Mom's Birthday Cont.

Tracy (Shawn's beautiful wife), Kayla & Linda

How many chins does the lady in gray have?
Ben (Nakia's husband), Blake & Cindy his wife

Anita (Shelby's wife), Shelby & Nakia
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hello Everyone

I really wish I could think of something really interesting to tell you this month, since it seems that is how often I am actually writing. We recently found out why Jerika has been struggling so bad in school, and at home with a few things. She doesn't really want me telling everyone, so I am not going to put the reason in here, because she will freak out if she reads it. But, it really isn't too bad, it will be a way however that the school will actually help her from here on out. As for the rest of us, we are just plugging away. I am still making watch bands, which I am keeping pretty busy with. I have been putting them in Traditions, which is a store in Rigby that sells handmade items. Kinlee is dancing her little heart out once a week and she has starting going to Activity days with girls her age from church. Ray is trucking as much as he can, and we are praying hard every day that his boss doesn't decide to close up shop and leave us high and dry. But, I guess life happens and we will cross that bridge when we come to it, if we come to it.

My Birthday through Christmas