Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day 3 September 24

AKA Kinlee's 20th birthday, you are right, I am mother of the year.  When we planned this she agreed that we could go.  Jerika and my parents took care of her.  

This was the window/door in our room and it really needed a better curtain or blinds.  The house was gated all around so I guess they thought it was okay but it still creeped me out because that's how I rolld.

There were 2 pomigranate (sp) trees on the property and I did a video of myself picking one and saying I am sure its included in the fee of the house.  As I turned around the owner pulled in the driveway and all I had on was my swimsuit., nowhere to hide it.  I said oops I picked one and they said they didn't even know what they were.  So I told them and they said they tasted them when they bought the house 10 years ago and didn't like them.  So I picked a few to take home.  They were so good.

Some of them were so ripe they had popped open.

My college roommate Jennifer lives in St. George so I called her and she came to visit.  It was nice catching up.  The boys had gone on a ride to hurricane to visit some shop they had seen on YouTube.  Except Greg he went to meetings in Orem for the day.

I couldn't resist taking these pictures at night.  It was so peaceful and warm.  There was a little smoke in the air from fires but that didn't even phase us.
Since this was Kinlee's birthday mom made her dinner at her house.  We will celebrate her birthday big when we get home (or at least that is what we thought, stay tuned for that fun story.)


Day 2 Pool Day September 23

I was totally falling out of my chair in this picture.  I needed someone to come help me, but they were taking pictures instead.  LOL

Brooke to the rescue, thank goodness.

I do believe there is a lot of thinking going on here,


St. George yup again

This time we decided to take our husbands with us.  We all needed a break, especially Ray after his mom died.  We actually had this planned before she passed so it really was such a blessing.  We even stayed at the same house we stayed in when we went on our girls trip.

This is the cheese factory in Beaver we decided to stop this time since it was closed when tried to stop in June.  The cheese curds were amazing and we bought salsa and had ice cream too.

Oh yea, it is a pandemic so of course we needed our masks.

This is my favorite picture from the whole trip...these chairs though and John willing participated with our silliness.  

This was a mustang pulling a trailer, I thought it was hilarious.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Poor Girl

Does anyone else have a child that just can't ever seem to win? I actually have two of those children. However my poor Kinlee is that child today okay this whole year. Story to follow soon. 

My Birthday through Christmas