Friday, January 3, 2020

My 2020 Blog Goal

What Direction

I'm try to decide what direction I want to take in my blog this year. So let's start here. This is in response to the police thinking a man in Salem killed his wife and step children. He's LDS so stupid people make comments like this. I don't usually respond but he's a complete idiot. The story has been interesting to follow but why do these nut jobs have to throw religion into it. Ugh

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

We are so Precious

Making Candy with Jerika

Am I Really 51

Birthday lunch and shopping with these ladies.  We missed Trulee because her father in law died.

We wanted a picture with Santa so we settled with this one.  LOL

Then we went to dinner at taco on the river in St.Anthony.

BYUI Graduation

FYI some people loose their mind when you ask them to move their stroller or in this case her wagon.  She told me she thought this was a family oriented school, so I had to inform her of the fire code LAW.  She was not very nice to me and therefore I didn't dare tell her that her ginormous present was also blocking the walk way.

My Birthday through Christmas