Monday, November 11, 2019

Getting Ready

Jerika came for the week to help with all of the graduation festivities.  Cade had to work so he wasn't able to be here.  But some of our best pictures are from him watching graduation online and taking pictures of that.  It was a pretty good view.

Graduation Prep

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Scholarship Awards Ceremony

I got the following text from one of the Counselors at Kinlee's school and was a little surprised.  So, of course I went and Ray was able to be there too.

This was the look on Kinlee's face when she saw me there.  I had a small inkling that I was supposed to go, but had no real idea what the scholarship could be.

Kinlee's cute friends Haley and Torie and Dillon

Attley couldn't figure out why were all there either and he didn't really want to come.

I cried so hard when I found out what it was and I am crying as I write this.  Kinlee was one of the recipients of the Cade Thomas Stoddard Scholarship.  We love these two and this has been a hard journey for them and will continue to be for as long as they are on this earth.  But they continue to love our kids our community and especially us everyday.  

These were all of the recipients of the Scholarships.  I love this picture and all these people that took care of our sweet friends during the hardest time of their lives.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ciera Dodges a Bullet

Story to follow some day.

Memorial Day

Cousin Tiffany and her family came this year.  It was nice having them.

Mom & Uncle Glade

Funniest Night

I know this picture is blurry, but I have to post about this night.  Brooke already knew how to crochet, so her and I decided to try to teach Tiff.  And I am pretty sure when people made up the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" they were talking about this night.  Tiff could not get the hang of it and Brooke and I were laughing so hard we couldn't get much done either.  We had so much fun and it was hilarious and needless to say Tiff will not be making a blanket or anything else any time soon.

Final GPA and Newspaper Pic

Last Day of School

We surprised Kinlee with a fancy McDonald's breakfast on her last day of school.  

I can't believe this is it, no more kids in school.  It just seems crazy to be at this point in our life. 

My Birthday through Christmas