Monday, October 2, 2017

Class Reunion Yup 30 years July 1

So, I decided at the last minute that I would actually attend my class reunion.  My friend Cozette Steel messaged me on Facebook and asked if I would go with her.  I guess now many people actually got the word about the reunion and the turn out wasn't great.  My "friends" decided not to come so it was good that I got to go with my other friends.  The other person in this picture is LaRee Miller we never really hung out during high school and my mom is friends with her mom and my mom said we couldn't be friends because we were both too bossy to get along.

So the people in this picture are as follows:  Top left:  Mark Floyd, me, Tina Sutton, Cozette Steel, Laree Miller, Connie Struck, Melina Douglas, Bill Guttenburger, Brad Gardner, Kevin Roseborough, Second Row: Melanie Parkinson, Shelly Mathie, Jason Conde, Front: Kay Burrell, Monique Virgin, Reyna Pacheco, Eric Thomas.  It was entertaining but I wish there were more people there.

Wow scary


Kinlee asked me if she could go visit her friend Brynn because they wanted to practice some stage makeup.  This is what she came home looking like.  It was pretty amazing.  Too bad she didn't have anywhere to go and just had to wash it off and go to bed.  Super talented girl.

Lunch with these Hotties 6/27

Ann came to town during the week so we all met for lunch.  It was so much fun.  I just love all these ladies and my cousins are a total riot.

Tammy, Nakia, Ann, Me, Shellie, Mom

Keegan's Birthday 6/25





Macks Inn with the Kerswells 6/23

Dinner and a show.  It was really fun and the food was amazing.

My Birthday through Christmas