Friday, October 30, 2015

Idaho Falls police families

I was given the opportunity to take pictures of some of the loved ones of Idaho Falls police officers.  Of course if you have read my blog before you know the top picture is my sister KaReena and her husband is an Idaho Falls police officer.  The blue line is something to say they support the law enforcement officers, since some have come under scrutiny in the new media lately.  I know for sure that every profession has its sketchy people, but I think on the whole police officers have all of our best interests at heart when it comes to their community.  That is why I was glad they let me show their support of their family members.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Today's thoughts

I hope Donald Trump wins the election just to make the ladies of the view angry.
On another note they had a girl on there today talking about bullying. They are adult bullies so what the crap are they even taking about.
I know....why do I watch this show? 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Women's Conference

This is how we did women's conference this year. We had dinner at mom's and then watched it there too. It was so much fun to be together and it was nice having Molly and Keegan with us too. I loved the talks this time they seemed to be spot on for some of the things we are dealing with in our world right now.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cuteness Overload

This baby is the cutest ever and we just LOVE that face. And she loves her grandma Nel.

Bill Engvall

Several years ago the 4 of us went to see Bill in Jackpot and we loved it. Well since he was coming to Fort Hall we couldn't pass it up. He was just as funny and we had a great time going to dinner and spending time together. It has been awhile. Thanks for inviting us!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Another 20 year celebration

I started my job the year Jerika was born and I have been going strong ever since.  So, here's to 20 years and counting.  This article was in our office newsletter.  Yup I have crazy eyes!!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Birthday friend dinner x 2

This was the night of Kinlee's birthday and we did friend birthday dinner that night.
Kinlee and Katie
Breelyn and Jerika
It was a fun time had by all for sure!!

Jerika is 20

Yup, its true, my little Boo Boo is 20.  Where has the time gone?  We love this girl and all of her funny quirky sayings and just plain silliness.  We had cheesecake at the grandparents house and my phone was the only camera item available and it really didn't take great pictures.
Even though they weren't the greatest pictures, we were at least able to get the Big 20 recorded somehow.  Jerika's didn't get to open any presents, because her amazing parents paid the down payment on her new car for her birthday.  Yup we amazing!!!

First day of high school

I can't believe my tiny preemie baby is going to high school this year.  Not to mention one of the tallest kids in her grade also.  It seems just like yesterday when the dr told us she would most likely be behind in everything, weight, height, intelligence.  Well, that is obviously not the case.
I took this picture as I was driving past the school on the way out of the parking lot.  It was actually the back of the building, but what the heck.

She really was super excited and a little nervous about her first day, but she handled it like a champ.

Jerika's OWIE warning bloody

Just as Jerika was getting to work her manager thought it would be fun the slam the door on her.  Little did she know he was pulling it from the other side and she reached out to grab it as he pulled.  YUP cut her finger right open.
I think we counted 7 stitches.  It was ugly, but thankfully work is paying for it.  Even though that doesn't make it hurt any less.  Poor girl.

My Birthday through Christmas