Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Senior Prom

The day finally arrived after all the preparation.  For their day date they went to Jackson and I told Jerika to take pictures, but I never actually saw any, so who knows if she really took them.  After their day date, they came back to the house for dinner and Ray “doughboy” made them dinner.  The Jerika’s friend came over and did her hair and makeup while Dallyn went home to get ready.  When he came back he had his mom and grandma with him so they could take pictures.  He had forgot both flowers at his house, so they had to go back and get those before going to the dance, so we didn’t get pictures with the flowers either.  But, he did wear his hat for the dance and they said he was the only one at the dance with a hat on, he’s precious. 


Prom dinner & getting ready

20s realtor party


Tyler's Birthday

So, I think Tyler has finally decided that we really aren’t that bad.  Maybe it is his new cute girlfriend Molly that convinced him.  They have been hanging out with us quite a bit and we have a good time when they are around.  Molly has a son name Liam and he is totally obsessed with Jake, so he likes coming around too.  This was the first time in a few years we have been able to celebrate Tyler’s birthday with him, so we made them dinner and got him a HUGE cake (that’s what happens when Ray is in charge of the cake).  We had a really good time and really enjoy having them around.


As you can see I took Dallyn's Sr. pictures for him. We had a really fun time with his mom and sister and of course the dog. I snuck in a few pictures of Dallyn and Jerika too. It really does a moms heart good to see someone looking at your child the way he looks at my Jerika. He has been so good for her this year and I would never have thought a silly boy could bring out the best in my daughter, but that seems to be the case. We just love him and love that he puts up with her craziness and our family craziness, because there is a lot of that for sure.


Monday, May 12, 2014

The meaningless last name

Last Saturday Ray was sealed to his mom and stepdad in the Idaho Falls Temple, which really was an amazing day.  However, it really got me thinking about our last name and Ray’s family tree.  Ray has not seen his adoptive father, Mr. Young, since he was a teenager and we have not heard from or seen his biological father, Mr. Kays, since the year Jerika was born.  Needless to say, I have met the man whose last name we do not have, but I have never met the man my children and I carry the last name of.  Hence the meaningless name.  I have really struggled with this fact for years and I know Ray has also, that doesn’t necessarily mean that he wants them in his life.  But, he feels abandoned sometimes and like he doesn’t feel like he has a name he cares to pass on.  We talked a little when we were first married about changing our last name, but we could never agree.  I just thought it should be Sharp, because that was the only name with meaning, other than Walker (his grandparent’s last name).  So, we never followed through.  Now my kids are at the age where we are starting to work on geneology and things of the sort, it seems as if their trees don’t branch out correctly.  Now I ask anyone who will answer who do we put on that father/grandfather branch?  The two men who have wanted absolutely nothing to do with our little family EVER or the very kind man that not only married my mother in law, but also gave my husband a place to belong.  Thank you Terry Kerswell for being the father my husband never had!!

My Birthday through Christmas