Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Family Member

This is Jake and this is the best picture I could get of him this day.  He doesn't like my camera at all!!  I got him for Ray for Christmas and he was super excited.  I even went and picked him up on my birthday.  Now, that is love for sure.
Ray takes him on the truck with him during the week and so we just get to play with him on the weekends.  After a few days with him, I decided this is a good thing, he is much harder to care for than my babies were.  It is a good thing he is so cute!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I am so very behind on this blog.  I think I am over my little mid-life crisis, which really was just a mini meltdown, and I am feeling a little better after being sick for what seems like forever.  So, I am going to try and get back in the swing of things.  But, I think I will actually start this weekend since it is late tonight and I really don't have my voice back 100%, which is a whole other story.  Anyway long story short we are still alive and did many things the last several weeks and have so many more things coming up in the next few weeks.  Life is so much fun, I can't stand it.

My Birthday through Christmas